ダイヤモンド アンビル セル Almax easyLab

アルマックス イージーラボ
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オプティカル  光学測定用ダイヤモンド アンビル セル

Optical Innovation in diamond anvil cells for optical measurements.
Which DAC is right for your optical experiment?
Low Temperatures Room Temperature High emperatures
High Pressures (<30GPa) CryoDAC-LT(H, 20)
CryoDAC-Tesla(S, 20)
CryoDAC-ST(S, 20)
CryoDAC-PPMS(S, 20)
VivoDAC(G, 2, *)
LeverDAC-Mini(L, 20)
SymmDAC(S, 20)
Very High Pressures (<50GPa) CryoDAC-Nitro(G, 50) μScopeDAC-RT(G)(G, 50)
LeverDAC-Maxi(L, 50, *)
μScopeDAC-HT(G)(G, 50)
μScopeDAC-HT(G)Plus(G, 50)
μScopeDAC-HT(S)(S, 50)
Ultra High Pressures (>90GPa) OmniDAC-LT(G, 90+)
CryoDAC-Mega(S, 90+)
Diaclamp(S, 90+)
LeverDAC-Mega(L, 90+, *)
OmniDAC(G, 90+, *)
HeliosDAC(G, 90+)
HeliosDACPlus(G, 90+)
(S/G/L/H, Pmax, *): S=Screw driven, G=Gas membrane, L=Lever arm, H= Hydraulic.
The Pmax depends on the anvil culet size and is only an indicative value, *= optional ring heater providing maximum temperature of around 500°C.

Diacell® CryoDAC-LT
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Diacell® CryoDAC-Mega
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Diacell® CryoDAC-Nitro
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Diacell® CryoDAC-PPMS
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Diacell® CryoDAC-ST
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Diacell® CryoDAC-Tesla
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Diacell® Diaclamp
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Diacell® HeliosDAC
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Diacell® LeverDAC-Maxi
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Diacell® LeverDAC-Mega
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Diacell® LeverDAC-Mini
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Diacell® OmniDAC
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Diacell® OmniDAC-LT
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Diacell® ShearDAC
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Diacell® VivoDAC
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Diacell® μScopeDAC-HT(G)
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Diacell® μScopeDAC-HT(S)
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Diacell® μScopeDAC-RT(G)
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X線 光学測定用ダイヤモンド アンビル セル

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X-ray At the forefront of x-ray diffraction at high pressures.
Which DAC is right for your x-ray diffraction experiments?
  Low Temperatures Room Temperature High Temperatures
High Pressures (<30GPa) TozerDAC X-ray(S, W, 20) Bragg-Mini(S, 20, W) Please contact us.
Very High to Ultra High Pressures (>90GPa)

Bragg-LT(S)(S, 90, B)
Bragg-LT(S)Plus(S, 90, W)
Bragg-LT(G)(G, 90, B)
Bragg-LT(G)Plus(G, 90, W)

Bragg-(S)(S, 90, B)
Bragg-(S)Plus(S, 90, B)
Bragg-(G)(G, 90, W)
Bragg-(G)Plus (G, 90, W)
PanoramicDAC(G, 90, W)
Boehler-Almax* PlateDAC(GB, 100, W)

Please contact us.
(S/G/GB, B/W, Pmax): S=Screw driven, G=Gas membrane, GB=Gearbox. B/W=Beryllium or Conical Tungsten Carbide seats.
Pmax depends on the anvil culet size and is an indicative value only.
*R. Boehler, Rev. Sci. Instr. 77. 115103, (2006)

Boehler-Almax Plate DAC
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Diacell® Bragg-(G) & Bragg-(G)Plus
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Diacell® Bragg-(S) & Bragg-(S)Plus
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Diacell® Bragg-LT(G) & Bragg-LT(G)Plus
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Diacell® Bragg-LT(S) & Bragg-LT(S)Plus
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Diacell® Diaclamp
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Diacell® HeliosDAC
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Diacell® OmniDAC
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Diacell® OmniDAC-LT
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Diacell® PanoramicDAC
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Diacell® TozerDAC-Xray
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